“When I remember how I started with only €200 in my pocket & now being invited to dress celebrities on the red carpet at the Cannes/ Venice/Irish Film festivals & being given an award for best international speaker in Paris!! It fills me with such an amazing feeling of achievement!!!

I remember so well how hard it was being a single Mum with a big dream & afraid to think that one day they would become a reality!
Even with all my ups & downs in life, I always dreamed big & I still do!!
Do you feel like that? You have an amazing dream but you can’t see it ever becoming a reality? For me, I really believed & followed my wish board as I knew in my heart that it would work & it’s all come true!! My dream is now a reality. So many laughed at my wish board & didn’t believe I could make them happen but now I’m the one who is laughing!! As I’m basically living my dreams”
You believe that your dreams can come true Asta Jakubson?
“Do you ever look around & feel like others don’t understand your dreams but believe me, one day YOU will be the one who is laughing..

Now while sewing this beautiful dress for an amazing actress for the red carpet, I want to share how I got to where I am & give you my secret formula”